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The Best Move to Tighten Your Abs and Trim Your Waistline


No gimmicks; just hard work, fluid movements, and a little resistance to show how to tighten waist.

Tight abs are void of belly fat, love handles, and pesky lower belly bulge. No matter how much work and effort you put in, it always seems that your abs are the most difficult body part to build and tone and can leave you wondering how to tighten waist. A flat belly meal plan is essential to getting results, but you also need to put in the work. Tight abs mean a strong core, toned belly, and a feeling of accomplishment that all your hard work is paying off. You don’t need to do crunches or a hundred variations of ab work! All you need is one good exercise to master. This one  exercise to show you how to tighten waist is the easiest way to tighten your abs. No gimmicks; just hard work, fluid movements, and a little resistance.

The jackknife is one of my favorite ab exercises. Not only does it target lower and upper abs, but it also helps strengthen your lower back. The move also creates stability training to develop an overall tighter and stronger core.

How it works: Perform as many jackknife situps as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds and max out again. Keep doing this until you’ve completed five rounds. Perform this workout five times a week.

After two weeks of ab tightening, add a medicine ball to your workout. Since jackknifes are a single fluid motion, you can easily add weighted resistance. As your abs get stronger, you’ll be able to add more weight and see better results. All muscle groups need resistance to grow, so don’t avoid giving a little extra burn to your abs and core.

Getting a better belly requires dedication. Enjoy these 15 Best Flat Belly Tips to get the best results of any ab workout.

Jackknife Crunch

If mastering a single ab exercise to get amazing results sounds fun, try The One Exercise You Need To Get Great Legs And Toned ThighsHaving a stronger core will help you master this exercise in no time.

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