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Beginner’s Workout for a Flat Stomach – Plus Core Strengthening


Even fitness newbies can achieve amazing abs!

Time to hit that midsection! Flat abdominal workouts are one of the healthiest types of workouts because they target visceral fat (i.e. the fat around your middle which, unfortunately, is the unhealthiest kind). But, have no fear! Getting rid of visceral fat is crucial not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for health reasons.

You can’t spot reduce belly fat because when you lose body fat, it comes from all over, not just one area. Similarly, no single activity will specifically burn stomach fat. However, if you’ve already started cleaning up your diet and are looking for a beginner’s workout for a flat stomach, you’ve come to the right place.

Regular movement, particularly stomach workouts, will keep your body healthy, develop muscle, and burn calories – all of which are necessary building blocks for fat loss. Losing weight to reveal abs is a difficult mountain to climb in conjunction with a nutritious diet, but it is ultimately worthwhile.

These fast core strengthening exercises will have you well on your way to the new and improved, healthier you! These beginner abs strengthening exercises will get you on the road to reaching your full potential by getting you to love exercising again because it’s a doable, fun routine!

Equipment Needed: a yoga mat and an interval timer.

What to Do:  Complete the number of reps and sets according to your fitness level below.

Beginner Fitness Level: perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and rest for 30 seconds before moving on to the next move. You may rest for up to 60 seconds between each round. Complete 2 rounds, 3 times weekly for 6 to 8 weeks.

Intermediate Fitness Level: perform each exercise for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next move. You may rest for up to 60 seconds between each round. Complete 3 rounds, 3 times weekly for 6 to 8 weeks.

Advanced Fitness Level: perform each exercise for 60 seconds, with no rest in between moves. You may rest for up to 60 seconds between rounds. Complete 4 rounds, 3 times weekly for 6 to 8 weeks.

After completing the 6 to 8 weeks, move onto other Skinny Ms. ab routines. See videos below for demonstrations to ensure you are using proper form.

1A. Bird Dog (Left Arm, Right Leg)

1B. Bird Dog (Right Arm, Left Leg)

2. Reach Through

3. Seated Knee Tucks

4. Crunches

5. Front Plank

Bird Dog

Reach Through

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For optimal results, remember to eat clean and include cardio at least 3 times weekly.

Have you just started a new exercise program or challenge? We’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment below.

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