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Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge


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In a workout rut? Maybe it’s time to get a little crazy! Our Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge will tone and define your entire body by working your legs, glutes, arms, and upper body. This total body strength training routine includes 8 intervals of 8 exercises to define muscles and increase flexibility. And because we’ve modified it for all fitness levels, there’s no reason not to go crazy and jump right in!

This crazy 8 workout presents a multifaceted approach to fitness that promises a wealth of benefits. It will improve your cardiovascular health, build muscle strength, and increase your stamina and endurance, all at the same time. With eight distinct exercises in the regimen, you’re engaging a diverse array of muscle groups, ensuring a well-rounded and balanced approach to fitness.

Working the exercises in succession will keep your mind engaged, in addition to your body. Moving from one exercise to the next will force you to focus and pay attention to your body—plus, it will keep you from feeling bored! Pushing through the demands of an intense workout cultivates discipline and tenacity, instilling a profound sense of accomplishment and bolstering self-confidence. Just remember to listen to your body’s cues and take time to rest if you feel you need it. 

Best of all, our Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge doesn’t require a lot of equipment, and it won’t take too much time out of your busy schedule. All you need is a few minutes a day, a set of dumbbells or weights, and a little floor space to start looking and feeling your best. It’s the ultimate, versatile workout challenge that delivers results without too much of a daily time commitment! 

You can do this Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge from the comfort of your own home. It requires minimal equipment to get started. Even if you don’t have a lot of space—all you need is a small area in your basement, garage, living room, or bedroom to get moving!

Equipment Needed: One set of dumbbells of medium weight (8-12 lbs)

What to Do: Perform 8 reps of each of the 8 exercises listed below and make sure to rest for 30 seconds after each move. Repeat the routine two times weekly for best results. 

Proper form is key for maximizing the effectiveness of your workout and to prevent injury. Be sure to review the videos below for all of our crazy 8 workout exercise demonstrations.

Beginner Level: complete one round.Intermediate Level: complete two rounds, starting again at the beginning once you’ve finished all eight exercises. Advanced Level: complete four rounds.

1. 8 Chest Presses2. 8 Alternating Lunges3. 8 Shoulder Presses4. 8 Squats5. 8 Bicep Curls6. 8 Plie Squats7. 8 Tricep Kickback8. 8 Squat Jumps

Review these videos to learn each of our crazy 8 workout exercises. Pay attention to your form and try to fully complete each move—it’s more important to focus on completing all eight exercises with the correct form than it is to focus on your speed. If you need to start out slowly—do it! What matters is that you get moving and finish all of the exercises in the circuit. 

Chest Press

Our Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge is a fun and challenging way to kick-start your workout goals. The routine is remarkably efficient, helping you to tone and define your whole body all at once. It won’t take up a lot of your precious time, and you don’t need a lot of space or fancy equipment—a set of dumbbells or weights and a few square feet of clear floor space will suffice. 

The brisk pace and eight distinct exercises in the routine will keep your mind sharp as well as your body. Moving through the exercises in sequence will also ensure that you won’t get bored with your workout routine. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Have you tried this Total Body Crazy 8 Workout Challenge? Let us know what you think in the comments! 

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