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Stay Consistent with a Get Ready for Summer Workout Plan


A simple plan that you can actually stick to!

The key to improving your health and fitness level is consistency. A single workout won’t magically alter your body, but exercising regularly can create huge improvements, even in a short amount of time. Summer diet culture can be as evident as terms like “getting summer body ready,” or as subtle as seeing commercials showing models of a specific body type. The most important aspect of getting in shape for summer is to begin early. If you are patient, you should give yourself at least six weeks and up to nine weeks to achieve the best effects. It is not uncommon for your daily routine to be quite stressful. I have a meeting here, a new project at work there, and have to do laundry and take care of my family as well. It can be really exhausting. Doing some exercise can reduce stress and provide you with some much-needed me-time. 

While Summer is approaching quickly, you can grow stronger, lose body fat, create muscle, and improve your endurance in as little as a few weeks. This get ready for summer workout plan is designed to help you accomplish all of these things and build healthy, long-term habits along the way. The exercises we’ve chosen for each workout are simple but efficient moves. When combined, they create a perfectly challenging fitness program that will target all of your beach-body muscles!

We know that any well-rounded workout program must have some flexibility, so this plan allows you to choose your rest day. There are six workouts to be performed throughout the week, on the days that work best for you. As long as you complete them, you will see results.

Additionally, we’ve built this weekly workout plan to accommodate varying fitness levels. Beginners should start with only 2 rounds per workout and a very light set of dumbbells. More advanced individuals can do up to 6 rounds using heavier weights. If you’re ready to stay consistent with a get ready for summer workout plan, jump right into the weekly workout plan below!

What You’ll Need: A gym timer, a mat or towel to lay on the floor, and a set of appropriately heavy dumbbells

What to Do: You’ll have six workouts per week and one rest day. For each workout, set your timer to 45 seconds of exercise and 15 seconds of rest. Complete all the moves in order and repeat with little to no rest between rounds.

Beginners: 2 roundsIntermediate: 4 roundsAdvanced: 6 rounds

Move up a fitness level when you feel your workout is no longer a challenge. Below, we’ve included videos showing how to perform each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout! You’ve got this!

1. Burpees2. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Right Leg)3. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Left Leg)4. Squat Jump5. Sumo Squat

1. Push-Ups2. Bicep Curls3. Triceps Extensions4. Up & Down Plank

1. Burpees2. Mountain Climbers3. Russian Twist4. Plank Hip Twist5. Jackknife Sit-Ups

1. Sumo Squat2. Walking Lunges3. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Right Leg)4. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Left Leg)

1. Push-Ups2. Mountain Climbers3. Up & Down Planks4. Burpees

1. Russian Twist2. Leg Lifts3. Plank Hip Twist4. Straight Leg Sit-Ups5. Jackknife Sit-Ups

Jackknife Sit-Up

Straight Leg Sit Ups

What do you think of this Weekly Workout Plan to Help You Get In Tip-Top Shape for Summer? Are you gonna give it a shot? Let us know in the comment section!

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