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How to Burn Belly Fat for Absolute Beginners


A truly effective ab workout!

What makes this the absolute best workout to burn belly fat? It’s the combination of muscle-building moves and fat-burning cardio! These easy workouts for beginners to lose belly fat help you burn fat with a combination of muscle-building moves and fat-burning cardio!

For these easy workouts for beginners to lose belly fat, we alternated between bodyweight and cardio exercises. The bodyweight moves, such as Russian twists, leg raises, and bicycle crunches, work your abdominal muscles for sharp definition. The cardio moves, such as skaters, jumping jacks, and high knees, burn tons of calories in a short period of time. This atomic combination is great for getting quick, visible results.

Additionally, alternating between the moves makes this an ideal workout for beginners. The ab moves allow for a cardio break so that you can slowly build endurance. Meanwhile, the cardio moves give your muscles a rest so you don’t push yourself past your limits. The moves we chose for this workout are simple enough for beginners, yet effective enough for even the most advanced athlete.

What You’ll Need: a gym timer, and a mat to lay on the floor

What to Do: Perform each move in order for 40 seconds, with 20-second breaks in between.

Below, we’ve included videos to show you how to perform these easy workouts for beginners to lose belly fat. We will take you through each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.

Exercises: 1. Skaters2. Russian Twists3. Jumping Jacks4. Leg Raises5. High Knees6. Bicycle Crunch

In conclusion, incorporating easy workouts like these easy workouts for beginners to lose belly fat into your daily routine is a great way for for you to start losing a little bit of weight. By starting off with low-impact exercises such as walking or yoga, you can gradually work your way up to more intense workouts like HIIT or strength training. Remember to also focus on your diet and stay consistent with your exercise routine for the best results. With some hard work and a good amount of time, you can achieve your goal of a flatter belly and improved overall health. Happy exercising!

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