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Beat Brain Fog: 5 Easy Tips to Start Thinking Clearer Today


Brain fog, also called “brain fatigue,” can range from a mild to severe experience of mental confusion—and there are many culprits behind it.

You may have trouble remembering things mid-sentence, find your mind trailing off, or have difficulty concentrating.

Other symptoms of brain fog include headaches, forgetfulness, low energy and motivation, confusion, irritability, and trouble sleeping at night.

Here are the main causes of brain fog and five tips that can help.

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Brain fog can be caused during menopause thanks to fluctuating hormones in your body—specifically, a decrease in estrogen.

Moreover, our circulation tends to slow down as we get older, which causes less oxygen to reach our brain cells, resulting in that fuzzy-headed feeling.

But don’t worry: as your hormones even out, your brain fog likely will too. Research also shows that memory usually improves in post-menopausal years.

So let’s get rid of brain fog! The next five tips can help keep your mind sharp and reduce brain fog during menopause.

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It should come as no surprise that you’re a bit foggy when you’re sleep-deprived! Your brain needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to function at its best.

Try resetting your natural body clock by going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, and try a lavender aromatherapy diffuser by your bed to help induce sleep.

It’s also best to ditch the smartphone at bedtime—that blue light can suppress your brain’s production of melatonin, a hormone that helps with sleep.

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The hormonal imbalances during menopause may lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency, leaving you feeling weak, forgetful, and downright foggy.

Along with menopause, taking antacids such as Prilosec and Zantac may also increase your risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency.

To correct it, you can start taking a B12 supplement and/or add more foods to your diet that are rich in vitamin B12, including:

Seafood (salmon, shrimp, mackerel, sardines, clams, trout, and herring)
Grass-fed beef
Milk and dairy products
Fortified yeast

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There are so many benefits associated with regular exercise, and relieving brain fog is one of them!

Research suggests that heart-pumping aerobic exercise can increase the size of the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain responsible for learning and verbal memory.

Exercise also releases adrenaline into the blood, which, along with energy, is delivered to the brain and enhances memory.

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Yes, really! A recent study from the University of York found that older adults (age 60+) who play digital puzzle games have the same memory abilities as those in their 20s.

So, grab your device and try Sudoku, Wordle, or crossword puzzles and sharpen that memory!

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Eating a well-balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals is one of the best ways to keep your brain and body healthy. But there are also specific herbs, spices, and foods that have been shown to specifically improve memory and cognitive function.

These foods can help you feel sharper:

Salmon and Tuna
Coffee and Tea
Nutritional Yeast

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