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Arms & Shoulder HIIT Workout


For sexy tank top arms!

HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is great for obtaining fast results. HIIT combines high-intensity intervals with low-intensity rest periods. By pushing yourself to work harder and faster during the high-intensity intervals, you bring your heart rate up, burning calories as you are creating muscle. However, the low-intensity or rest periods keep you from burning out too quickly. This ensures that you get the most out of your time at the gym!

HIIT has been growing in popularity, but most HIIT workouts focus on the lower body, with moves such as jump squats, lunges, and box jumps. While these moves are great for burning calories, they don’t help you tone your arms, shoulders, chest, or back. These are all important muscle groups you shouldn’t ignore. This upper body HIIT workout will help you get all the benefits of HIIT while toning your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.

Mountain climbers, push-ups, and a squat shoulder press combo will help you get an arm-targeted cardio workout. Tricep extensions help you target the muscles on the back of your arms, while up & down planks challenge your shoulders. You’ll get a heart-pumping, calorie-burning, arms and shoulder HIIT workout!

What You’ll Need: set of medium dumbbells (8-15 lb.), a gym mat, and an interval timer (Gymboss is a free-to-download app)

What to Do: Set your interval timer for 40 seconds of high-intensity and 20 seconds of rest. Complete the exercises in order. Once you’ve finished all five exercises, take a 60-90 second break and repeat until you’ve completed all rounds.

Beginners: 2 roundsIntermediate: 4 roundsAdvanced: 6 rounds

Below, we’ve included videos showing how to perform each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most from your workout.

Exercises: 1. Mountain Climbers2. Tricep Extensions3. Up & Down Plank4. Squat to Shoulder Press5. Push-Ups

Have you tried this arms and shoulder HIIT workout? We need your feedback! Let us know what you thought about this article or anything else on the site. Leave a comment in the section below.

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