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Slim Down with the 6-Week Running Plan to Lose Weight

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Mix up your routine and burn calories!

Many of us let our nutrition and fitness plans go into hibernation during the colder months. Unfortunately, when warmer weather arrives, working off those extra pounds requires a plan of action. This walk/run weight loss plan is ideal for shedding those unwanted pounds.

Some people fail to lose weight while on a running program, while others gain weight. Some of these people may be victims of the compensating effect, which is an increase in hunger and desire for high-calorie foods caused by exercise; this affects some individuals more than others. To avoid undermining the benefits of running by overeating and choosing bad foods, begin jogging with a balanced, portion-controlled diet.

If you’ve been eating clean and working out regularly, perhaps it’s time to mix up your routine a bit in order to maximize your results. Our bodies get stronger and more efficient when we exercise, so over time, if you’re repeating the same workout over and over, you may burn fewer calories. This leads to a plateau in your results, and nobody wants that!

To beat the plateau, you need to make sure that you’re mixing up your workouts with a combination of strength and cardio exercise. Our 6-week running plan to lose weight training will increase your calorie burn and add a new mix to your typical cardio routine.

While this program is doable for all fitness levels, beginners should take a look at the Running Program for Absolute Beginners to ease into this fat-blasting sport! You may also be interested in the 5K Running Guide for Absolute Beginners.

This program combines speed walking, intervals, and jogging to maximize your calorie and fat burning levels. Twice per week, you will focus on cross-training (CT), which will give your body a break from walking and running in order to prevent boredom and injury. On your cross-training days, focus on a combination of cardio exercise and strength-training. For cross-training cardio exercise you can perform a variety of exercises which include aerobics, indoor or outdoor bicycling, skating, swimming, or use any cardio equipment such as an elliptical or treadmill.

*Suggested workouts are included on cross training days, just click on the links.

Additional suggestions for the cardio portion of cross training:

After 15 to 30 minutes of cross training cardio activity, you’ll move on to a strength workout. Strength workouts are important when it comes to strengthening your muscles for faster, safer walking and running as well as amping up your fat burning. Pick from any of the strength training routines from SkinnyMs. that can be done at home or in the gym. While this is a 6 week program, feel free to incorporate these plans into your day to day workouts!

Additional suggestions for the strength portion of Cross Training:

While training you will need to keep healthy snacks on hand. I recommend 50 Snacks that I Used to Lose 30 Pounds. These quick pick-me-ups are perfect after your training sessions. The good new? They are healthy and delicious.

The 6-week running plan to lose weight regimen below is intended to act as a starting point for beginners wishing to reduce weight through running. You can adjust the routines as needed, especially once you get the hang of it, but most importantly, listen to your body and enjoy the run itself!

Week 1

1st Day: 1 mile walk

2nd Day: CT (Cross-training)

3rd Day: ½ mile walk, ½ mile jog, ½ mile walk

4th Day: CT (Cross-training)

5th Day: 20 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 1 minute, repeat

6th Day: Rest

7th Day: 2 mile walk

8th Day: 1.5 mile walk

9th Day: CT (Cross-training)

10th Day: ½ mile walk, ½ mile jog, ½ mile walk

11th Day: CT (Cross-training)

12th Day: 25 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 1 minute, repeat

13th Day: Rest

14th Day: 1 mile walk, 1 mile jog (walk as needed)

15th Day: 2 mile walk

16th Day: CT (Cross-training)

17th Day: ¼ mile walk, ¼ mile jog, repeat to total 2.5 miles

18th Day: CT (Cross-training)

19th Day: 30 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 2 minutes, repeat

20th Day: Rest

21st Day: ½ mile walk, 1.5 mile jog

22nd Day: 2 mile walk

23rd Day: CT (Cross-training)

24th Day: ¼ mile walk, ½ mile jog repeat to total 3 miles

25th Day: CT (Cross-training)

26th Day: 40 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 3 minutes, repeat

27th Day: Rest

28th Day: ½ mile walk, 2 mile jog

29th Day: 1 mile walk, 2 mile jog

30th Day: CT (Cross-training)

31st Day: ¼ mile walk, ¾ mile jog, repeat to total 3 miles

32nd Day: CT (Cross-training)

33rd Day: 35 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 4 minutes, repeat

34th Day: Rest

35th Day: 2.5 mile jog

36th Day: 1 mile walk, 1 mile jog, repeat to total 4 miles

37th Day: CT (Cross-training)

38th Day: ¼ mile walk, ¾ mile jog, repeat to total 4 miles

39th Day: CT (Cross-training)

40th Day: 30 min. Walk/Run Intervals, walk 1 minute/run 1 minute, repeat

41st Day: Rest

42nd Day: 3 mile jog

Remember to refuel after your workouts with a clean snack like any of the ones on our list! Skinny Ms. has more workouts like this one, and healthy recipes to energize you while you sweat!

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Have you tried this walk/run weight loss plan out? If so, what did you think? Let us know in the comment section, below!

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