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7 Stand-up Exercises To Trim Your Waist


Stand tall and proud! It’s time to get up and work those abs from a different angle with these waist exercises standing.

Most ab workouts place you on the cold, uncomfortable floor to get the results you want. When done poorly, floor ab work can cause strain on your lower back and spine. It’s time to get up and work those abs from a different angle with our waist exercises standing To Trim Your Waist!

Your abs need to be worked from different angles to make them lean, long, and strong. waist exercises standing give you more room to stretch, crunch, and tone without feeling limited. This workout mixes bodyweight, cardio, and weighted exercises to give your abs an intense – but soothing – burn. It’s perfect for anyone with lower back pain or discomfort.

What You’ll Need: One set of light dumbbells (5 to 10 pounds max), an interval timer (available on most phones), and a hand towel.

What to Do: Perform this routine five times each week.

Beginner Workout: Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds in between each exercise. Complete four rounds, resting for 30 seconds in between each round.

Intermediate Workout: Perform each exercise for one minute, resting for 30 seconds in between each exercise. Complete five rounds, resting for 30 seconds in between each round.

Advanced Workout: Perform each exercise for one minute, resting for 20 seconds in between each exercise. Complete five rounds, resting for 30 seconds in between each round.

Jumping Jacks (keep your core tight throughout)
Reverse Dumbbell Chop
Standing Torso Rotations
Bow Extension
Lunge and Twist (if you don’t have a towel, use a dumbbell)
Burpees (keep your core tight throughout)
Standing Bicycle Crunch

If you’ve been working your abs but not seeing the results you deserve, read the 5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Belly Fat to revamp your game plan.

Jumping Jacks

Reverse Dumbbell Chop

Standing Torso Rotations

Bow Extension

Lunge and Twist


Standing Bicycle Crunch

You’ve mastered these waist exercises standing to trim your waist, and now it’s time to increase the intensity! Our Skinny Ms. 6-Week Flat Belly Program is the premier ab plan to tone, tighten, and flatten your midsection.

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