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30-Day Get in Shape Training Program for Beginners


Absolutely new to fitness? No problem! We’ll get you started.

It takes courage to transform your body, your health, and your look by starting a new fitness program. Whether you’ve spent years, months, or weeks on your couch, in your comfort zone, beginning a new routine can feel daunting. We’re here to guide you as you ease into fitness and this get in shape training program is the perfect place to start!

Consistency Leads to Results

It’s important to remember that when beginning a new fitness routine, consistency is key. If you’re completely new to fitness, it’s not a bad idea to start slowly, and regardless of your fitness level you should always allow for rest days, but the best way to see real results is to set a routine and stick to it. Our plan will help keep you on track for an entire month, giving you plenty of time to find your routine and build healthy habits. 

Our 30-day get in shape training program was designed with the true fitness beginner in mind. For the full duration of the program, you’ll be challenged with various beginner workout routines. All workouts will help your body grow stronger, leaner, and more efficient.

We’ve provided clean eating options to complement your new training program, as well. A true training plan incorporates workouts and healthy eating to guarantee your results. Clean eating keeps your body energized and improves your body’s response to exercise. It’s also very important to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep every night (at least seven to nine hours). This will help you optimize your workouts and keep you feeling great. 

Now that you’re ready to get started, grab some weights, a mat, and start your fitness journey today!

30-Day Get in Shape Training Program for Beginners

Day 1

Workout – Start off the 30-day program with our Absolute Beginner’s Workout – Part 1. Learning the basic movements and getting your muscles used to the workload will help set the tone for the next 29 days.

Clean Eating – As you start your workout plan, changing your eating habits will make all the difference in supporting each workout. Use The Ultimate Clean Eating Grocery List- 50 Foods to start choosing healthier choices.

Day 2

Workout – This is your first rest day. Day one of a workout may not feel exhausting initially, but it can take a lot out of you. Reflect on what felt good versus what felt uncomfortable on the first day. And strive to work harder the next time.

Clean Eating – Slow cooker meals are a staple of the Skinny Ms. meal plan. Try our 73 Best Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes and fall in love with slow cooking. Our favorite slow cooker is the Cuisnart 6-Quart multi-cooker that browns, sautées, and steams.

Day 3

Workout – Today’s workout is body part specific. Our gluteal muscles are the largest muscles in our body. The more developed muscle you have, the more fat you’ll burn. Use our Beginner’s Butt Blasting Workout as a guide to start toning and shaping your rear.

Day 4

Workout – Rest

Clean Eating – Snacks help to ensure that we continuously feel satiated, which helps us to avoid unnecessary eating. These 50 Clean Eating Snacks will help control your eating and provide your body with healthy options.

Day 5

Workout – Today, you can stay at home and get your workout in the convenience of your living room. Slim, sleek, and sexy abs take work and dedication. Use our At Home Beginner Ab Routine to start on the path to a flat belly.

Tip – Getting a flat belly takes more than just exercise. Use our 21 Flat Belly Tips to get you started on whittling your waist.

Day 6

Workout – Rest

Day 7

Workout – After focusing on body-specific workouts, it’s time to jump back into a full-body routine. Our Absolute Beginner’s Workout – Part 2 follows the same basics as Part 1. Finish your first full week strong!

Day 8

Workout – Fat-blasting workouts are a great way to burn calories and slim down. The Beginner’s 4-Minute Fat Blaster Workout is designed to push your body in a short period of time to get amazing results.

Clean Eating – As you start the second week, it’s time to add more variety to your diet. 50 Superfoods – The Ultimate Shopping List provides you with a list of foods that offer beneficial nutrients to your body and go beyond the basics of everyday nutrition.

Day 9

Workout – If you’re ever short on time, total body workouts are the way to go. Our Total Body Workout for Beginners gets every muscle group involved and is set at a steady pace to keep your heart pumping through it all.

Day 10

Workout – A strong core is essential in making every workout twice as effective. Beginner’s Flat Abs Workout – Plus Core Strengthening will build your abs and lower back, leading to stronger pushes and movements in other exercises.

Health – Stay hydrated with these 5 Flat Belly Drinks.

Day 11

Workout – Wake up 10 minutes early today to start your day off right. The Before Your Shower – Mini Morning Workout helps to set the tone for the entire day. In addition, you’ll also be sneaking in a full day of fat burning post-workout.

Clean Eating – Before and after every workout, you need the right energy to sustain you and then refuel. Our 13 Clean & Lean Workout Snacks will give you options to ensure that each workout reaches its potential.

Day 12

Workout – Circuit training is designed to be fast-paced and at a high intensity while giving you cardio and strength training benefits. This Circuit Training for Beginners was created to introduce beginners to the benefits of circuits.

Day 13

Workout – Rest

Day 14

Workout – Rest

Day 15 – Day 21

Workout – For the next seven days, you’ll be following our 7-Day Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners. The challenge provides all the necessary exercises, a fun but challenging routine, and additional helpful tips to guarantee that you work hard throughout the week.

Clean Eating – Match your 7-day challenge with our 7-Day Flush The Fat Away Meal Plan. Healthy eating alongside a workout plan will transform your body at a faster rate and have you feeling great as you work hard.

Day 22

Workout – Rest

Day 23

Workout – Our Shape Up Size Down Workout for Beginners will make sure every workout provides additional fat burning.

Clean Eating – Our 14 High Protein Lunch & Dinner Recipes for Weight Loss will have you feeling energized before you start your workouts and will guarantee that you have the proper protein to refuel afterward.

Day 24

Workout – Work out your legs until they’re toned and strong, using the Shape Those Legs Workout for Absolute Beginners.

Day 25

Workout – Start toning and shaping your biceps and triceps with our Shape Up Size Down Arm Workout. The more you work your arms, the more you’ll want to show them off at every chance you get.

Day 26

Workout – Rest

Day 27

Workout – Trim your waist and start revealing those sexy abs with the Shape Up Size Down ~ Find Your Abs Workout. Once you find them, you’ll make sure they never go away.

Clean Eating – Review our Top 25 Flat Belly Foods to continue your midsection transformation. Add these to your grocery list to ensure every meal helps flatten your belly.

Day 28

Workout – Rest

Clean Eating – Variety is key to a happy and committed healthier lifestyle. Our 50 Recipes for Weight Loss will keep your palate satisfied day after day with new and engaging flavors and healthy meals.

Day 29

Workout – Learn how walking and running are life-changing with our Slim Down with the Walk/Run Plan. This program gives you easy-to-follow routines that are perfect for shedding extra pounds and getting in the best shape of your life.

Day 30

Workout – Get sexy arms and a rounder, firmer butt to match with our Buns and Guns Workout.

Clean Eating – Enjoy any of these 50 Snacks for your training plan.

Congratulations! You’re no longer a beginner to fitness. It’s time to take your body mentally and physically into the next stage. This get in shape training program is designed to transform your body and help you to become stronger as you tackle new challenges. Now you can start the program over from the beginning, mix and match the workouts that work best for you, or increase your workout intensity by trying new routines that keep you interested and work different muscle groups. 

Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram to stay up to date on all of our newest fitness challenges!

Reader feedback is important to us. Leave us a comment below to tell us what you think of this get in shape training program, as well as what you’d like to see from us in the future!


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