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21-Day Body-Toning Workout Plan for Female Beginners


Improve your life in more ways than one!

This 21-day toning workout plan for female beginners is a great routine to follow if you’re just getting started on your fitness journey! This workout program requires 5 days of strength training and 2 days of rest. If you’re a beginner, this may sound like a lot. However, we break each training day down into a different muscle group. Focusing on one muscle group at a time will ensure that nothing is left behind or pushed too hard, or too fast.

Too often we pick and choose what we want to focus on. For example, many ladies only like to work legs and abs. The problem with this is it will inevitably lead to imbalance, injury and a disproportionate appearance.

This toning workout plan for female beginners is designed to help you build muscle strength and lose fat. It includes three days of exercises to target different areas of the body, as well as a cardio workout to help boost your metabolism. Whether you’re new to working out or just need a refresher, this plan is a great way to get started and stay motivated.

This program will work for just about anyone because it is completely modifiable. This means that every exercise can be made easier or more difficult, depending on what level you’re at. Strength training is imperative to a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. In combination with a healthy diet and solid cardio routine, this program will transform your body!

I want you to follow this workout program for a minimum of 3 weeks, but you can always do it for longer. Many toning workout plan for females beginners will allow you to make progress for 6, 8 and even 12 weeks. Don’t be afraid to lift heavier weight than normal! I promise you will see more progress the heavier you lift. Just be sure to always use proper form. If you’re not sure, watch the instructional videos on the next page or ask a knowledgeable friend or trainer to help.

Each week, I want you to step it up a little bit. You can either lift a little bit heavier, perform a few more reps, or both! For example, start week 1 with 5-10 pounds. Week 2, pick up the 10-15 pound dumbbells. On week 3, try the 15’s or the 20’s. You can do more or less. Another way to step it up is to increase volume (sets/reps). Add a set or 2 each week and perform extra reps. Whatever you do, make sure you write it down! You should include what exercise you performed, what weight you used, how many sets you did and how many reps that you completed.

If you want to step up the workout even further, you can add in active rests in between weightlifting sets (jumping jacks, burpees, mountain climbers, etc…) Oh, and don’t forget to have fun! 😉

Remember to stay hydrated, fuel your body with nutritious foods, and listen to your body. With consistency and dedication, you can achieve your toning goals.

Perform 3 sets of 10 with moderately heavy weight (unless specified otherwise).

Perform 3 sets of 12 with slightly heavier weight than the first week (unless specified otherwise).

Perform 4 sets of 10 with slightly heavier weight than the second week (unless specified otherwise).

Bench Press
Dips (assisted)
Tricep Cable Pushdowns
Pec Fly (machine)
Dumbbell Pullover
Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks
Pull-up/Chin-ups (assisted)
Barbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Row (single-arm)
Barbell Bicep Curls
Cable Lat Pull-down (wide, overhand grip)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls

It’s important to give your muscles time to recover between workouts. Aim for at least one rest day per week!

For week 1 perform each for 3 sets of 30 seconds. On week 2, try to perform 3 sets of 45 seconds. Finally, on week 3 attempt to perform each exercise for 3 sets of 60 seconds.

Bicycle Crunches
Side Planks
Reverse Crunches
Russian Twists
Scissor Kicks
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Alternating Front Raise
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Reverse Fly Machine (Also known as Rear Delt machine)
Barbell Squats
Single-Leg Deadlift (per leg)
Walking Lunges (alternating legs) – Week 1: 3 sets of 20 / Week 2: 3 sets of 30 / Week 3: 3 sets of 40
Barbell Hip Thrusts
Hip Abduction Machine 
Weighted Calf Raise

Congratulations on completing this toning workout plan for females beginners. You can keep up this routine and keep upping or lowering the intensity to fit your needs. Let us know what you thought of this toning workout plan for females beginners in the comments below!

Bench Press

Dips (assisted)

Tricep Cable Push-downs

Pec Fly (machine)

Dumbbell Pullover

Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks

Pull-up/Chin-up (machine assisted)

Pull-up/Chin-up (band assisted)

Barbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Row (single-arm)

Barbell Bicep Curl

Cable Lat Pulldown (wide, overhand grip)

Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Bicycle Crunches


Side Planks

Reverse Crunches


Russian Twists

Scissor Kicks

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Alternating Front Raise


Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Reverse Fly Machine (Also known as Rear Delt machine)

Barbell Squats

Single-Leg Deadlift (Per leg)

Walking Lunges (alternating legs)

Barbell Hip Thrusts

Hip Abduction Machine 

Weighted Calf Raise

Try this body-toning workout plan for beginners for a few weeks and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear your feedback! If you love it, you can also try this Body Toning Workout.

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